Planning My SLP Private Practice

“A goal without a plan is just a wish” or so says French writer Antoine de Saint Exupéry.

I kind of agree.

And I already did all of my wishing in my last post.

My Plan of things to Plan

  • Identity & Values
  • Marketing Activities
  • Revenue Streams
  • Target Market
  • Business structure

A Business Plan

A good business plan kind of includes all of those things I listed above.

I learned a little bit about some of these topics as a business minor in undergrad, but I’ll be honest – I needed a refresher course.

After hours googling and reading and googling again and trying to decide what exactly I needed in my business plan, I came across this gem from the Small Business Administration.

There’s no right or wrong way to write a business plan. What’s important is that your plan meets your needs.

Some brilliant and kind soul at

Along with the freedom to make my business plan whatever I wanted it to be, I found two outstanding templates on the same site.

I found the traditional business plan to be a bit too detailed and repetitive for me. Given that “SLP private practice” pretty much covers a good chunk of what you need to know about my business, I opted for the “Lean startup plan” template, which I found much more conducive to my way of thinking.

I definitely recommend checking out both and seeing which (if either!) best suits your needs.

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