CRASH – Pre-Reading Activities


Are you planning on using CRASH by Jerry Spinelli in your classroom? It is a fantastic novel for middle school aged readers and this download helps generate excitement and interest in the story for your students. This 11 slide powerpoint (and


Are you planning on using CRASH by Jerry Spinelli in your classroom? It is a fantastic novel for middle school aged readers and this download helps generate excitement and interest in the story for your students.


This 11 slide powerpoint (and accompanying teacher note set) has what you need to introduce the book and pique your students interest. The plan includes a guided analysis of the cover, questions to introduce five themes from the book, and a one-page reading about the author.

The book can be purchased on Amazon.

Download includes:

  1. 1 introductory powerpoint, 11 slides (.ppt)
  2. 2 pages of suggested lesson plan to accompany slides (.pdf & .word)
  3. 1 page summary “About the Author” (.pdf & .word)
  4. 2 image files of different covers from the novel (.jpg)

*If you download, please leave feedback. Everyone appreciates it!*